Excerpts of the Cretan Kingdom's First Treasurer.
Excerpts from the Private Journals of the First Treasurer. 03/08/961 The Romans are gone. I know I wrote on it before, but I cannot believe it yet. They held us hostage within our own city for the better part of a year, and in one morning, two... children, for they are absolutely children, shatter the whole of their army and see them thrown back into the sea? And their reasoning makes even less sense than their feat, if that could be believed. It is not because they seek to conquer our island for themselves, or because one of the Emir's allies has paid them to. No, they did it because "Phokas is a cunt", and they disagreed with how the man waged his war. They have killed an army. An entire Roman army, and they have done it because they disliked its leader and his methods. Or, rather, the woman does. The man barely speaks, seemingly more content with following her every word. I could say I disapprove, but I don't dare to. The man may not speak, but his eyes say everyt...