The Ramblings of a King.

For When You Return Day 254,582 I'm in the New World once more. My voyage was from Asia this time, the Great Qing mainly. My hopes had remained that they'd slow the conquests after gaining Taiwanfu, but I should know better. They war with the Dzungar now, I hear the rumours that an army of eighty thousand marches north to continue the conflict. No matter. It was time to move on. As to where I now stand... It's a port town, the locals say, though the total volume of ships that I have seen in the past two weeks tell me it's anything but. It's a natural harbor, I've realized. The Dutch and the British came to conflict over it a mere 50 years ago, with the latter standing victorious, as it so often tends to do, though it did so at a price. One of ours stood against them, and as he fell, he took the Duke of York with him. The region is part of the River Colony now, though I hear that they are causing their masters much trouble. The town, more of a city now, grows fas...